6 Million Voices is an interactive program division within the East Valley JCC, equalizing Holocaust education for all by reaching and meeting people around the world through comprehensive Holocaust education designed for modern learning. Their aim is to foster acceptance and peace by honoring and respecting individual histories, while shifting Holocaust education towards the understanding and recognition of personal responsibility rather than solely remembrance.
How can we best position 6 Million Voices for the future of Holocaust education?
Position 6 Million Voices for the future of Holocaust education through informed key messaging and renaming process.
Craft a cohesive and distinctive visual identity system that is differentiating while remaining true to the space they’re in.
Six Million Voices is a forward-thinking resource for those seeking a perspective and experience beyond traditional forms of learning by offering immersive virtual experiences that equalize effective Holocaust education on a global scale.
Bringing holocaust education into a contemporary light by telling stories of the past through an identity of today.